Finca La Campiña


  • Country: Colombia (Huila)
  • Processing: Fully washed
  • Varietal: Pink Bourbon
  • Altitude: 1800 MASL
  • Farmer: Raul Rodriguez
  • Roast: 92 agtron (light)
  • Tasting notes: Roasted hazelnut, pomegranate & mango
  • Size: 8oz /227 grams

Raul Rodriguez cultivates this Pink Bourbon lot at 1,800 meters above sea level at Finca La Campiña. Pink Bourbon, a hybrid of Yellow and Red Bourbon, has higher glucose levels than other Bourbon varieties. Combined with an extra round of fermentation this results in a beautiful floral and fruity coffee

Raul Rodriguez inherited the initial portion of Finca La Campiña from his father, who was also a coffee producer, in 2017. He soon purchased an additional plot and expanded the farm. The 5-hectare farm sits at 1,800 meters above sea level in Santa Maria, Huila.


In addition to the Pink Bourbon in this lot, Raul also cultivates Castillo. The soil is volcanic loam. This nutrient-rich soil provides what coffee needs to flourish.

Harvest & Post-Harvest

Raul and his wife selectively handpick ripe, red cherry and process it on their farm. After picking, they hand sort cherry to ensure only the best quality cherry is processed. Cherry is rested for 18 hours to lightly ferment and bring out some fruity flavors. Then, cherry is pulped and fermented in water for 48 hours. Following fermentation, coffee is washed in clean water and laid on marquesinas to dry. Patricia and Nicolas rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying. It takes approximately 20 days for parchment to dry.

Raul Rodriguez inherited the initial portion of Finca La Campiña from his father, who was also a coffee producer, in 2017. He soon purchased an additional plot and expanded the farm. The 5-hectare farm sits at 1,800 meters above sea level in Santa Maria, Huila.

Raul and his wife selectively handpick ripe, red cherry and process it on their farm. After picking, they hand sort cherry to ensure only the best quality cherry is processed. Cherry is rested for 18 hours to lightly ferment and bring out some fruity flavors. Then, cherry is pulped and fermented in water for 48 hours. Following fermentation, coffee is washed in clean water and laid on marquesinas to dry. Patricia and Nicolas rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying. It takes approximately 20 days for parchment to dry.

About Pink Bourbon

Pink Bourbon, a hybrid of Yellow and Red Bourbon varieties, was first discovered and grown in Colombia. Taste-wise, Pink Bourbon has all the advantages of its Bourbon parents. The highlights of the typical Pink Bourbon profile is the strong floral notes and pleasant acidity frequently found in East African coffees.

And there’s more than color and altitude on its side. Chemical breakdowns have found that Pink Bourbon has higher glucose content. This additional glucose—a type a sugar—means not only a sweeter cup, but also a silkier body and more luscious mouthfeel.

Some farmers also report that Pink Bourbon has more disease resistance than is Red and Yellow parents.

50-50 Program

Finca Los Naranjos is our first coffee within our 50-50 program that is not sourced through the Cup of Excellence competition. But of course with the same guaranteed quality (min 87+) and 50% return to the farmer. Read more.

The Los Naranjos was scored 89.13. The FOB price was $16.58/kg of which Gloria Monteros received 80% ($13,26/kg). ROAST Coffee will in addition give a donation of $4.92 per sold kilo to meet our target of 50% return.