Our Mission

ROAST Coffee’s mission is to foster a meaningful connection throughout the coffee supply chain, leading to fair prices and exceptional coffee experiences for all.

Quality and sustainability are two vital aspects to ROAST Coffee

Quality and sustainability are two vital aspects to our coffee.

Too often these are seen as separate issues where we either pay a higher price for a lower quality or get good quality without the farmers being recognized for their dedication to quality and genuine hard work.

ROAST Coffee was built on the belief that there is a strong synergy between quality and sustainability. Fair prices can lead to better quality and better quality can lead to sustainability if the farmers are recognized for their work.

Bean by bean, we believe that together – the farmers, the roasters, and the consumers can change the coffee industry with both higher quality and more sustainability.


The 50-50 Label

The “50-50” label is ROAST’s signature branded coffee that guarantees the farmers 50% of the retail price. The “50-50” label raises the bar for sustainability guaranteeing the farmers 50% of the retail price*. That is 10 times the fair trade market price. We believe in treating our partners fairly and ethically to produce a better product for everyone.

Find your 50-50 coffees here at ROAST.com or read more about the 50-50 program at www.50-50.org (soon to be launched).

* After sales taxes and duties. All costs in the origin country and transportation costs to the roastery (including taxes, duties, commissions etc.) are covered by the farmers. Smaller parts of the farmer payments may be given as donations to ACE and similar organisations to help educate farmers etc.

